Te Puea Marae Hopes to Transform Approach to Transitional Housing

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Rihana Te Nana, Graphic Designer.

A video broadcast and article in Te Ao Māori News by Muriwai Hei examines the work at Te Puea Marae in delivering transitional housing.

With researchers supported by Building Better (BBHTC), Manaaki Tangata E Rua is New Zealand’s first marae-based transitional housing programme. Whānau engaging with Te Puea are experiencing transformative results. BBHTC researcher and Ngā Wai A Te Tūī director Professor Jenny Lee-Morgan says the evidence compiled identifies pivotal ways of thinking about marae and their ability to support communities.

“Te Puea Marae is setting a new standard of delivery in transitional housing. Manaaki Tangata E Rua is New Zealand’s first marae-based transitional housing programme and whānau engaging with Te Puea are experiencing transformative results.

Read more – https://bit.ly/3yYzq21
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