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Toitū Te Kāinga, Toitū Te Ora, Toitū Te Tangata: Healthy Homes, Healthy People

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In the contemporary socio-economic landscape of New Zealand, affordable housing, often misinterpreted as "cheap", is a pivotal topic.

The dialogue primarily revolves around supply, land availability, and demand factors. However, the connection between housing and human wellbeing, encompassing health and poverty aspects, is often inadequately explored in relation to long-term housing affordability. Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology spearheaded the “Toitū te Kāinga, Toitū te Ora, Toitū te Tangata” research, collaborating with various agencies, to enhance understanding of housing affordability and its impact on the health and wellbeing of the Matekuare whānau, many of whom live in substandard conditions. This research, which employed both quantitative and qualitative methods, delved into designing modular prefabricated houses for improved affordability and health outcomes, hoping to aid the whānau in achieving their vision of sustainable, healthy homes on ancestral land. While the study centred on a specific whānau, its findings have broader implications for New Zealanders facing similar challenges.

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