Housing Kaumatua

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Desna Whaanga-Schollum

This podcast sees Desna Whaanga Schollum and Becky Kiddle travel to Rauawaawa Kaumatua Charitable Trust to talk with the CEO, Rangimahora Reddy, and the Project Manager for Housing at Ngā Rau Tātangi Māori Housing Foundation, Yvonne Wilson, about their kaumatua housing developments and the research work they’ve been undertaking evaluating the housing programme.

We also got to speak with three kaumatua, Patihana Takuira-Mita, Clark Takiari, and Daisy Haimona Upokomanu – all living in housing as part of these developments – to ask what they thought of their new whare.
Housing Kaumatua. Daisy Haimona Upokomanu outside her Hamilton whare.