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Te Moemoeā: The Dream

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Think Piece One: This first report in a series of three discusses culturally responsive, secure, affordable, and healthy housing for kaumātua.

It tells the beginning story of Moa Crescent Kaumātua Village, Kirikiriroa Hamilton, which started in the early 2000s. The researchers ask: what could we learn from the stories of ‘ngā kaiwhatu moemoeā’ (visionaries) about the seeds of potential for kaumātua housing? These seeds are formed in the vision of those on the ground working in the field; in the connections and relationships of their communities and networks; and in the wairua of commitment to co-visioning with and honouring kaumātua. Ngā kaiwhatu moemoeā had a vision to develop new affordable kaumātua housing that would help meet current and future demand. Most critically, they envisioned a new model of working, a new model of urban community for kaumātua, and a new approach to developing housing that would meet increasing demand for culturally safe, affordable housing which put kaumātua at the centre.

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