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Toitū te kāinga, toitū te ora, toitū te tangata: Healthy homes, healthy people.

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Building Better Homes, Towns and Cities, ,

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This report is part of a project that seeks to tackle the pressing issues surrounding housing affordability and its direct impact on health and wellbeing among the Matekuare whānau in Minginui, Eastern Bay of Plenty, New Zealand.

By focusing on the development of a papakāinga on ancestral lands at Tāwhitiwhiti, Te Whaiti, the project aims to offer culturally attuned, sustainable housing solutions that promise lifetime affordability and improved health outcomes. Central to the project’s approach is the use of modular prefabricated housing designs that not only respect Māori cultural values but are also optimised for environmental sustainability and healthful living. The research employs a comprehensive, multidisciplinary methodology that integrates Kaupapa and mātauranga Māori, design and construction innovation, and public health principles to address the needs of the Matekuare whānau. This methodical blend seeks to ensure that the housing solutions contribute to the wellbeing of the whānau by creating homes that are affordable, sustainable, and healthy, thereby supporting the vision of a self-sustaining papakāinga. The findings from this project reveal significant insights into the interplay between housing conditions and whānau health and wellbeing. Environmental monitoring within the homes highlighted challenges related to temperature regulation, humidity control, and the presence of mould and dust mites, all of which have implications for respiratory health and overall comfort. The research underlines the importance of house design and construction quality in mitigating these issues, advocating for housing solutions that exceed current building standards to create environments conducive to health and wellbeing. Moreover, the project emphasises the concept of toiora, or holistic health, as defined by the Matekuare Whānau Trust. This encompasses not only the physical health of individuals but also the collective wellbeing of the whānau, community, and their relationship with the land and environment. The aspirations for the papakāinga development reflect a deep-seated desire for a return to traditional living arrangements that foster community support, cultural continuity, and a strong connection to ancestral lands. Although the research is specifically tailored to the needs and vision of the Matekuare whānau, its implications extend far beyond, offering valuable lessons for similar communities across New Zealand. The project illustrates the potential of papakāinga developments to serve as a model for housing that aligns with Māori values and aspirations, while also addressing broader issues of housing affordability, health, and sustainability.

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