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The role of Māori values in Low-impact Urban design and Development (LIUDD) Discussion paper.

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Landcare Research, ,

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In this discussion paper, Harmsworth explores the integration of Māori values into the framework of Low-Impact Urban Design and Development (LIUDD).

The paper offers a unique perspective on how indigenous knowledge and values can significantly contribute to and enhance urban design and development strategies, particularly in New Zealand’s context. Harmsworth discusses the importance of incorporating Māori values into urban design to create more sustainable, culturally sensitive, and ecologically responsible development practices. The paper provides a comprehensive outline of key Māori values, concepts, and principles and provides both a modern explanation of them and shows how they align with western and scientific thinking. These include whakapapa, atua, tino rangatiratanga, mana, mana whenua, mātauranga, kaitiakitanga, te ao turoa, tikanga, taonga, whenua, mauri, ritenga, tapu, rāhui, noa, and wairua. It then examines how these values, concepts, and principles can be applied in urban settings to improve the environmental, social, and cultural outcomes of urban development. One of the critical aspects of the paper is its emphasis on the partnership between Māori communities and urban developers. Harmsworth argues that effective LIUDD requires collaboration that respects and incorporates Māori perspectives and knowledge. This collaborative approach not only ensures that developments are culturally appropriate but also enhances the overall sustainability and resilience of urban environments. The paper is also notable for its practical focus. Harmsworth provides examples of how Māori values have been successfully integrated into urban design projects, demonstrating the feasibility and benefits of this approach. He argues that Māori values offer a holistic framework that aligns well with contemporary principles of sustainable development and can lead to innovative, inclusive, and effective urban solutions.

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