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Report on the Department of Māori Affairs.

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Department of Māori Affairs, ,

Published Year

The Hunn Report remains a significant - and contentious - analysis of the relationship between Māori and the state, largely because it promoted 'integration' or assimilation.

At the same time, the report was critical of the all post-war governments’ development and implementation of Māori focused policy. While initially its primary focus was on evaluating the department, Hunn extended its scope to propose extensive recommendations for social reforms impacting the Māori community. Examining trends in population, land settlement, housing, education, employment, health, legal distinctions, crime, and various other aspects, the report provided a thorough analysis of the role of the state in Māori social and economic outcomes. The findings, commentaries, and conclusions underscored a stark reality – Māori consistently trailed behind Pākehā in numerous socio-economic indicators, emphasising their enduring marginalisation within society. The Hunn Report was instrumental in drawing government attention to the state of Māori housing, underlining the urgent need for reforms and improvements in housing policies and programs for Māori. Hunn demonstrated that the Department of Māori Affairs housing programme was not keeping up with the demand for houses, and that a major backlog of unsatisfied applicants existed. The report highlighted that the housing program for Māori needed to be doubled or even tripled to meet the growing demands and needs of the Māori population. Largely due to Hunn’s findings, funding for the department housing programme was increased and new initiatives were implemented. Despite its limitations, the report contains a large amount of demographic data and remains a critical piece of Māori housing history.

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