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Problem definition: Maori Homelessness in New Zealand.

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Parity, 29(8), 5-6

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Groot and Mace explore the complex issue of homelessness among the Māori population in New Zealand.

The authors delve into the historical and societal factors, particularly the effects of colonialism, that have contributed to the high rates of homelessness in this community. They discuss the challenges in defining homelessness, noting that conventional definitions often fail to capture the full spectrum of the issue, especially in the context of Māori experiences. The paper critiques New Zealand’s approach to homelessness, highlighting the lack of a coordinated national response and fragmented service provision. It emphasises the need for culturally competent services and the importance of including Māori perspectives in both understanding and addressing homelessness. The authors argue that homelessness among Māori should be understood not only in terms of physical displacement but also as a loss of cultural and spiritual connection. They advocate for leveraging the Treaty of Waitangi to ensure social justice in service provision. This paper is a valuable resource for understanding the unique aspects of Māori homelessness and the necessity for culturally informed responses within New Zealand’s social services framework.

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