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Māori planning futures review of ‘better urban planning’ draft report.

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Ngā Aho, Papa Pounamu, ,

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This draft report synthesises the perspectives, experiences, and recommendations of Māori planners, design professionals, and practitioners across Aotearoa concerning urban planning reforms.

The document highlights the rapid changes in the Māori world and the need for an urban planning system that genuinely reflects Māori values, rights, and interests. Since the last significant reform in the late 1980s, there have been notable advancements in Treaty grievance settlements, the rise of iwi and urban Māori authorities, and the development of iwi management plans, all necessitating a re-evaluation of the urban planning process. Key recommendations include stronger national guidance on Te Tiriti o Waitangi, better integration of tikanga Māori and mātauranga Māori in planning, and a shift from an “effects-based” approach to a “values and outcomes” approach. The report emphasises the importance of acknowledging the holistic Māori worldview in urban planning and calls for improved coordination and alignment across government agencies to support effective engagement with Mana Whenua in future urban planning systems. This report provides an exploration of how urban planning in New Zealand can be reformed to better accommodate and reflect Māori perspectives and needs. It underscores the necessity of integrating Māori values and principles into the urban planning process, highlighting the historical context and the evolution of Māori involvement in urban development. The recommendations provided offer a pathway for more inclusive and effective urban planning practices that respect and uphold the Treaty of Waitangi principles, ensuring that Māori communities are actively involved in decisions affecting their ancestral lands and resources.

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