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Māori land administration: Client service performance of the Māori Land Court Unit and the Māori Trustee.

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Controller and Auditor-General, ,

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This report provides an examination of the performance in client service of the Māori Land Court Unit and the Māori Trustee in the context of Māori land administration in New Zealand.

The primary focus is on assessing how effectively these organisations serve their clients, who are predominantly Māori landowners, and the broader implications of their service quality on the management and utilisation of Māori land. The report provides an in-depth analysis of the operational frameworks, service delivery mechanisms, and client interaction approaches employed by the Māori Land Court Unit and the Māori Trustee. It scrutinises various aspects of their administration, including the efficiency of their processes, the adequacy of resources allocated for land administration, and the responsiveness to the needs and expectations of Māori landowners. For the Māori Land Court Unity, the report identifies three areas where improvements could be made to the Māori Land Court Unit’s client service performance: management and reporting of applications; training of case managers; and standardisation between registries. Similarly, for the Trustee it identifies four areas where improvements could be made: establishing more qualitative land management performance measures – particularly in relation to rent collection and review; providing Reports to Owners; maintaining client account records; and implementing a time-recording system. One of the key contributions of this report is its identification of areas where service performance could be improved, along with recommendations for both the Māori Land Court Unit and the Māori Trustee. These recommendations aim to enhance client satisfaction, improve the transparency and accountability of operations, and ensure that the administration of Māori land aligns with the cultural values and aspirations of Māori communities. Furthermore, the report discusses the broader implications of its findings for the governance and policy framework surrounding Māori land administration in New Zealand. It highlights the importance of effective and culturally sensitive land administration for the well-being and development of Māori communities, and for the preservation of their cultural heritage.

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