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MAIHIi Ka Ora: The national Māori housing strategy 2021-2051.

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Te Tūāpapa Kura Kāinga Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, ,

Published Year Read Publication

The MAIHI Ka Ora National Māori Housing Strategy represents an attempt to address the critical housing needs of Māori communities across Aotearoa New Zealand.

Developed in collaboration between Te Puni Kōkiri, various government agencies, and Māori stakeholders, the strategy is a testament to the importance of partnership, co-design, and shared aspirations between Māori and the Crown. The strategy’s foundation lies in the understanding that housing is not merely about physical structures but encompasses the well-being of whānau (families) and their connection to whenua (land). The strategy outlines a vision where all Māori families have access to safe, healthy, affordable homes with secure tenure, highlighting the centrality of Te Mauri o te Whānau (the life force of the family) in all housing initiatives. It introduces a framework that emphasises Māori principles such as Mauri, Whakamana, Manaakitanga, Tino Rangatiratanga, Whanaungatanga, and Tikanga, guiding the strategic direction for Māori housing. Through a series of priorities and actions, “MAIHI Ka Ora” aims to address immediate housing crises while laying out a pathway for long-term, sustainable solutions that respect Māori aspirations and the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi (The Treaty of Waitangi). The strategy is marked by its commitment to a Māori-Crown partnership, recognising the failures of past government approaches and the need for systemic change. It highlights the necessity for targeted actions, increased capacity and capability within Māori communities, and a systemic approach that places Māori needs and leadership at the forefront of housing solutions. “MAIHI Ka Ora” is not just a plan for government action but a call to all stakeholders to work collabouratively towards a future where Māori housing needs are met in a way that enhances the mana of Māori people.

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