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Land, Housing and capitalism: the social consequences of free markets in Aotearoa New Zealand

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Economic and Social Research Aotearoa, 6,

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Malva examines the profound social consequences of applying free market principles to land and housing in Aotearoa New Zealand.

The paper explores the historical context and the neoliberal policy shifts that have intensified since the 1980s, emphasising the commodification of housing and land as central elements in the capitalist economy. Malva critically analyses how these policies have exacerbated housing crises, contributed to increasing inequality, and led to significant disparities in access to housing among different socio-economic and ethnic groups within New Zealand society. The article offers an overview of the mechanisms through which market-driven approaches to housing have not only failed to provide adequate and affordable housing for all but have also contributed to speculative real estate practices that inflate housing prices and exclude marginal communities. Malva highlights the specific impact on Māori and Pasifika populations, who are disproportionately affected by these market dynamics, leading to higher rates of homelessness and housing instability among these groups. Furthermore, Malva critiques the government’s reliance on market solutions to address the housing crisis, arguing for a need to reconceptualise housing as a basic human right rather than a commodity. The paper suggests alternative policy measures that prioritise social and affordable housing development, community-led housing initiatives, and the strengthening of tenant rights as means to counteract the adverse effects of capitalism on the housing sector. This article contributes to the broader discourse on housing and social justice in Aotearoa New Zealand by providing a critical examination of the role of free markets in shaping contemporary housing issues. It calls for a shift in policy perspective towards more equitable and sustainable approaches to land and housing that recognise the fundamental importance of these resources in ensuring social well-being and justice.

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