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Housing first Auckland city centre programme: Responsiveness to Maori.

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Parity, 30(8), 34-36

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This paper discusses the adaptation of the Housing First model, originally implemented in various countries to combat chronic homelessness, to better suit the needs of Māori populations in Auckland city centre.

The authors emphasise the necessity of cultural appropriateness in delivering such programs, drawing lessons from the Canadian experience where Indigenous people faced systemic barriers in a similar program. The paper outlines the human-centred design methodology used in the program development, focusing on the participation and insights of people with lived experiences of homelessness, particularly of Māori descent. Key insights from the design process include the importance of cultural values like manaakitanga and whānau, and challenges in service navigation and relationship-building. The program, which had a significant proportion of participants of Māori descent, aimed to address these insights through culturally informed strategies and interventions. The paper details prototypes like Pōwhiri and Kawa and Manaaki Days, designed to maintain cultural values and practices in housing solutions. The program’s approach to governance and partnership, including the involvement of Māori representatives and those with lived experiences of homelessness, underscores its commitment to culturally responsive solutions. The paper concludes with reflections on the early stages of implementation and the potential of Housing First to disrupt traditional service systems by centring the unique cultural needs of Māori in Auckland.

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