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Government planning and support for housing on Māori land – Ngā whakatakotoranga Kaupapa me te tautoko a te Kāwanatanga ki te hanga whare i runga i te whenua Māori.

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Office of the Auditor-General, ,

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This report by the Controller and Auditor-General of New Zealand offers an examination of the government's strategies and support systems pertaining to housing development on Māori land.

It delves into the intricacies and challenges faced in the planning and implementation of housing projects on such land, which holds significant cultural and ancestral importance to the Māori people. The document begins by outlining the historical and legal context surrounding Māori land, emphasising the unique relationship between Māori communities and their land. It then assesses the effectiveness of current government policies and initiatives aimed at facilitating housing development on Māori land. One of the critical aspects discussed is the complexity of land ownership and management within Māori communities, which often presents significant challenges in terms of housing development. The report scrutinises the roles and responsibilities of various government agencies involved in this process, highlighting both the successes and shortcomings in their approaches. It brings to light the bureaucratic hurdles and the need for a more coordinated and culturally sensitive approach in policy-making and implementation. Furthermore, the report incorporates case studies and real-life examples, providing an insight into the practical implications of these policies on Māori communities. These case studies serve as a basis for the report’s recommendations, which are aimed at improving government strategies and support systems to better meet the needs of Māori in relation to housing on ancestral land. Specifically, the report recommends: a coordination of agencies, flexibility in local authority plans, identification and collaboration with landowners, targeted financial support by government agencies, and building the capacity of Māori organisations. Overall, the report is an essential resource for understanding the complexities of housing development on Māori land in New Zealand. It not only highlights the gaps and challenges in current practices but also offers valuable recommendations for future policy directions, emphasising the need for culturally informed and collaborative approaches in addressing housing needs of the Māori population.

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