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Changes in home-ownership patterns 1986–2013: Focus on Māori and Pacific people.

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Statistics New Zealand, ,

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This report provides an analysis of the changes in home ownership and renting patterns in New Zealand, with a particular focus on the Māori and Pacific populations between 1986 and 2013.

It examines the impact of demographic factors, such as age structure, on home-ownership rates within these communities compared to the general population. The paper utilises data primarily from the Census of Population and Dwellings, supplemented by other sources like the General Social Survey and Quotable Value. Key findings include a significant decline in the proportion of people living in owner-occupied dwellings, more pronounced among Māori and Pacific peoples. The study reveals the increasing prevalence of private rentals and the decrease in rent-free housing, highlighting the economic and social changes impacting these groups. It also discusses the implications of lower home-ownership rates on wealth accumulation, particularly for Māori and Pacific people. This decline is contextualised within broader economic and social changes in New Zealand during the 1980s and 1990s, including a peak in home ownership in 1991 followed by a consistent decrease. This paper is a valuable resource for understanding the shifting landscape of housing tenure in New Zealand, especially regarding the disparities faced by Māori and Pacific populations. Since 1991, the report notes, New Zealand has seen a significant decline in home-ownership rates, with Māori and Pacific people experiencing even greater falls. By 2013, while the overall home-ownership rate dropped by 15.3%, the decrease was 34.8% for Pacific people and 20% for Māori. The authors note that several factors contribute to this decline in home ownership for Māori and Pacific people, including high housing prices relative to incomes, lower incomes among these groups, higher unemployment rates, potential discrimination, and possibly a lack of intergenerational experience in home ownership. Concurrently, there has been a shift in the rental housing market. Prior to the 1990s, the report continues, a significant proportion of people, especially Māori, lived in rent-free housing, but post-1990, there has been an increase in exposure to the private rental market, which generally involves higher costs. The analysis of census data over an extended period provides crucial insights into the long-term trends and challenges in home ownership among these groups. This research sheds light on the broader implications of housing tenure changes, including the impact on family structures, regional variations, and wealth distribution.

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