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Briefing to the Incoming Ministers of Housing and Māori Development.

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Te Matapihi, ,

Published Year Read Publication

This briefing addresses the critical issues and strategic directions for improving Māori housing and wellbeing in New Zealand.

Prepared against the backdrop of a worsening housing crisis exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, the briefing underscores the disproportionate impact of housing shortages on Māori, particularly young people. It highlights the necessity for a paradigm shift towards Māori-led housing solutions, emphasising the principle of “By Māori, for Māori” with a focus on empowerment and independence at various community levels. The document outlines the government’s failure to uphold Treaty obligations and the universal human right to adequate housing for Māori. It calls for significant co-investment by the Crown in Māori-led housing solutions and a re-allocation of funds from Crown agencies to Māori providers. The briefing details systemic issues impacting Māori housing outcomes and offers recommendations for enhancing public and community housing provisions, home ownership, and papakāinga (Māori community housing) development. It stresses the importance of cross-sectoral collabouration, increased government investment, and the need for a comprehensive strategy to facilitate system-level changes. The briefing also underscores the establishment of a Māori Housing Authority and revitalisation of the Māori Housing Act 1935 as potential mechanisms for systemic change. It concludes with an appeal for immediate action based on a deep understanding of the barriers to Māori housing and wellbeing, advocating for solutions that are culturally informed, sustainable, and aligned with Māori aspirations for self-determination and community empowerment.

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