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Life When Renting for Older Māori

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The proportion of older Māori (55+ years) living in rental accommodation is set to rise as home ownership becomes less attainable.

To anticipate the future of rental accommodation for older Māori, 42 older Māori (18 men, 24 women) renters in the Hawke’s Bay region of Aotearoa New Zealand were asked about their experiences. Participants had moved to their current home to be closer to whānau (extended family, family group) or out of necessity, and their whānau had often helped them make the decision to move. Many participants struggled with living costs. Most enjoyed a good relationship with their landlord or agent and wanted to stay living where they were. The findings suggest that older Māori renters will require more easing of their living costs, including pathways out of renting and into home ownership.

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