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Understanding accountability for Māori

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Human Rights Council, ,

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This discussion paper explores what the concept of accountability means for Māori in the context of Te Kāhui Tika Tangata Human Rights Commission Housing Inquiry into the provision of rights to a decent home.

It frames accountability within the context of tikanga Māori in conjunction with kaupapa, kawa, kaitiakitanga, whakapapa, wairuatanga and mātauranga Māori and is context based. The paper explores various models of accountability, providing a comprehensive overview of how Māori communities envision their roles and responsibilities in the housing sector. The emphasis on collective participation, decision-making, and redress mechanisms underscores the need for approaches that respect Māori values and governance structures. The recommendation for an independent Māori housing entity reflects a broader call for self-determination and tino rangatiratanga in addressing housing issues. This proposal is grounded in the understanding that Māori leadership and autonomy are crucial for developing and implementing housing solutions that meet the needs of Māori communities. The paper also highlights the challenges and barriers to achieving these goals, including governmental reluctance to share power and a lack of public understanding of colonial history and Māori rights. By providing a platform for further discussion and feedback from Māori communities, the paper underscores the importance of engaging Māori voices in the development of housing policies and accountability mechanisms. It contributes to ongoing efforts to ensure that the housing sector in New Zealand is equitable, responsive, and aligned with Te Tiriti o Waitangi, thereby advancing the rights of Māori to decent housing.

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