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Co-design with Young Aucklanders: Eastern Viaduct Renewal & Puhinui Stream Regeneration

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Engaging children in urban planning is gaining traction but often stalls due to a lack of know-how.

A collaboration with Panuku Development Auckland from 2017 to 2019, funded by the National Science Challenge, investigated effective ways to involve children in public space design. This project built on a 2015 Auckland Council consultation with children and was informed by two co-design projects: the Eastern Viaduct Renewal and the Puhinui Regeneration. The core principles of the research stressed the importance of accommodating children’s needs in cities, especially as urban areas become denser. It also recognised the rights of children to be consulted and to feel safe in public spaces. The research, guided by Te Aranga principles, promotes active commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi and prioritises mana whenua voices. As an outcome, an online resource has been developed to assist local government and designers in child-inclusive design processes. The report situates children’s participation within the context of children’s rights and evaluates workshop methods and outcomes, drawing from both children’s and professionals’ feedback.

Ngā Rawa Whaitake
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