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Economics and Financing of Housing for Māori – Literature Review

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This literature review extends the Kāinga Tahi Kāinga Rua Research undertaken for the Building Better Homes, Towns Cities (BBHTC) National Science Challenge.

The Annotated Bibliography of Māori and Indigenous Housing (Menzies, 2018a) covering literature from 2000 to 2017 highlights the long-term social impacts on Māori resulting from colonisation, including land dispossession, economic resource loss, and subsequent social effects like poor housing, health issues, and education disparities. Furthermore, while there’s a trend of Māori returning to rural ancestral lands, called papakāinga, due to urban homelessness and exorbitant rentals, they face financial barriers, including discriminatory financing. In recent times, gentrification due to social housing development further affects Māori and low-income individuals. As a result, the Whai Rawa Whenu for Māori Housing research focuses on the structural and regulatory aspects of Māori housing economics and financing, seeking to identify barriers and potential solutions.

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