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Building Solutions to Enable People with Dementia to Age in Place: A Literature Review

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In New Zealand, around 70,000 people currently suffer from dementia, a number projected to exceed 170,000 by 2050 due to the ageing population.

Dementia encompasses various diseases affecting brain functions, leading to changes in memory, thinking, behaviour, and emotional states. These changes impact everyday tasks and one’s experience of their home environment. Despite the majority of dementia sufferers living in their homes rather than residential care, housing adaptations to cater to their needs are often overlooked. As dementia progresses, housing must adapt to diverse needs, including safety and mobility. This review focuses on building design solutions that consider the evolving needs of dementia patients, ensuring homes are functional and responsive. This work contributes to the Building Better Homes, Towns and Cities National Science Challenge, aiming to address challenges in providing affordable housing suitable for the ageing population.

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